Saturday, December 18, 2021
1:00pm - 4:00pm
1431 S. Atlantic Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90022
Limited Space!
Free community event to commemorate World AIDS Day. This will be an outdoor event at East Los Angeles Women's Center. For your safety and the safety of others, we require all participants to register and encourage the use of a face covering.
Evento gratuito con cupo limitado en conmemoración del dia Mundial del SIDA. El evento se llevara acabo en el patio de East Los Angeles Women's Center y se pide a todos los asistentes rergistrarse y traer cubrebocas, por la seguridad tuya y de todos los asistentes
RSVP is needed. HERE
For more information please contact:
Karla Morales 323-526-5819 ext.118 [email protected]
Lizette Villanueva 213-537-5394 [email protected]
Join us for free:
- Music
- Delicious Tacos
- Update on care and treatment
- Prevention Gifts
- Condom Bar Pop-up
- 1 minute HIV Testing
In collaboration with: