Human Trafficking Programs
You’re only as strong as the greatest challenge you overcome". ~ Norma Bastidas, Athlete, Survivor, Advocate
The East Los Angeles Women’s Center is expanding our work to include:
- Building awareness about human trafficking in our communities;
- Offering support to victims and survivors of human trafficking through supportive services;
- Provide street outreach and outreach to the local bars, linking those in need to services.
We offer support and services to women involved in sex work, many of whom have come to “the life” through sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.
Women in the life are frequently exposed to unprotected sex and sexual violence and are at high risk for HIV and STD infections. ELAWC is reaching out to this vulnerable population and discretely offering education and support. Meeting with women in nightclubs, strip clubs, and local bars, our trained outreach specialists offer “Safety and Prevention” gift bags that include vital information on HIV and STD prevention, and they are encouraged to reach out for help via ELAWC hotline numbers. (800) 400-7432 and/or (800) 585-6231
In addition to directly contacting women in the field, ELAWC is partnering with local organizations working with vulnerable women in recovery, and expanding services to include culturally relevant HIV, STD and violence prevention education, and resources. To date, 150 women have attended the HIV 101 prevention classes, and 40 have attended “Las Charlas,” safety support groups where can women can connect, share stories, explore future options, and find peer support.
Most importantly, women “in the life” are finding ways to empower themselves, break the isolation, and in some cases leave violent impacted lives, putting their lives on a new path.
Human Trafficking and HIV: Prevention with a Focus on Latinas
Assessment Study
Human Trafficking and HIV: Prevention with a Focus on Latinas
Funded by the City of Los Angeles AIDS Coordinator’s Office, ELAWC conducted a study to better understand the causes and consequences of human sex trafficking in our region, with particular emphasis on strategies for reducing HIV risk.
It’s Not What You Think: Bringing A New Awareness to Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is widespread and encompasses a spectrum of experiences, activities, and circumstances.
- Women constitute more than half of all people living with HIV in the wo
- Human trafficking is a growing worldwide concern and contributes to the gender imbalance in HIV/AIDS infection rates and violence against women and girls.
- The average age a teen enters the sex trade in the U.S. is 12 to 14. Many victims are runaway girls who were sexually abused as children.
- African Americans and Latinas represent 27% of all women in the U.S. but they account for 79% of HIV cases among women.
ELAWC has produced an awareness campaign to bring attention to the reality that many young women are victims of human trafficking, and our stereotypes are often wrong.
It’s not what you think...
Human trafficking is in our backyard