About 23% of people living with HIV are women, with the highest number of new diagnoses among women ages 25 to 44.
The human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is a sexually transmitted infection and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. Black and Latina women are disproportionately affected at all stages of HIV infection compared with women of other races/ethnicity.
Our goal is to reach the most vulnerable and at risk women. Low income women from communities of color must regularly overcome tremendous obstacles to secure the health and safety of themselves and their families. These conditions are exacerbated for women who are recently arrived immigrants with scarce financial, healthcare and support resources. ELAWC provides a comprehensive range of services designed to confront the most serious issues faced by the most vulnerable members of our society. ELAWC services are designed to provide support for families facing HIV/AIDS.
Providing services to Women living with HIV and their families
ELAWC provides comprehensive and culturally-sensitive personalized services to women living with HIV and their families; to improve their quality of life; to improve access to health care services; to strengthen family relationships and natural support networks; and improve physical, mental and emotional well being for families affected by HIV/AIDS. To enroll in services for women living with HIV please contact Gabby Orozco [email protected] (323)526-5819 ext.118
Women in relationships with violence have four times the risk for contracting STIs, including HIV, than women in relationships without violence.
At East Los Angeles Women’s Center we can help answer questions you might have about HIV or Sexually Transmitted Infections. Our HIV navigators are ready to help you.
What does a HIV navigator at East Los Angeles Women’s Center do?
A women’s HIV navigator at ELAWC is a health educator dedicated to help women when they have questions about HIV or STD’s, the navigator can connect you to vital services such as HIV testing and treatment, STD screening, PEP or PrEP and other services you might need to stay healthy.
ELAWC navigators have a solid foundation on health education, are trauma informed and as certified sexual assault and domestic violence advocates, they have an understanding of the unique HIV vulnerabilities survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence face. HIV Navigators have updated information on HIV and STD’s and will be happy to answer your questions!
Below is a list of services HIV navigators can connect you to:
- HIV testing
- STD screening
- STD Treatment
- HIV Care
- Immediate access to safer kits (condoms, lubricants and dental dams)
- Pre –Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
- Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)
- Reproductive health services
- Seeking Safety Group for women living with HIV
- Crisis intervention and counseling for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence
In addition to the services listed above, the Navigators can provide you with updated referrals to social support, mental health substance use treatment and housing. This service is free and fully confidential.
If you feel you need to talk to a navigator because you are concerned about HIV or other STD’s, do not hesitate and call us.
Hablamos español y te podemos ayudar si tienes preguntas o preocupaciones acerca del VIH o Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual, o si deseas unirte al curso de Buscando Seguridad para mujeres positivas. Nuestros servicios son gratis y confidenciales.
Please contact Lizette Villanueva at (800) 400-7432 [email protected] or Paola Buenrostro (323) 526-5819 ext.101 [email protected]
Did you know? Violence against women often go hand in hand with HIV.
Each year in March, East Los Angeles Women’s Center launches their annual campaign to end violence against women’s and HIV.
For media inquiries about this campaign, or for more information, please contact:
Thelma Garcia, Director of HIV Prevention Services [email protected]