Rapid Response Fundraiser

Dear friends,  

As the COVID-19 crisis shadows each of our lives, ELAWC is here everyday for survivors and families whose lives are shadowed by violence at home. 

ELAWC is being called upon to help families find safety, food and housing, and emotional support. Together we can find solutions for long term benefits.  

Multiple studies have confirmed that giving activates the release of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin, which are feel-good hormones. One survey of 632 Americans found that giving to other people is associated with significantly greater happiness, regardless of income. So Be happy + do good! 


Your donation will allow us to:

- respond to our clients' needs including: food, transportation, hotel rooms and other essentials

- provide care packages to our families at the Hope & Heart Shelter

- continue emergency 24/7 emergency response programs: hotline, hospital accompaniments and the Hope + Heart Shelter 


Your donation at work:

- Offered safe-haven for 25 survivors and their 35 children at ELAWC's shelter and transitional house, and in local hotels.

- Prevented evictions for 15 families with rent and supportive services.
- Contracted to coordinate housing care and case management for 100 families impacted by domestic violence, in collaboration with the Los Angeles Mayor's Office.
- Together with our staff and volunteers we are supplying weekly grocery bags to families with our drive through community pantry program.
$20,469.00 donations
GOAL: $100,000.00 recruited donations

Top 10 Rapid Response 2020

Brittney Lee 1
$3,000.00 recruited donations
Wendy vanden Heuvel 2
$2,500.00 recruited donations
Rose Marcario 3
$2,000.00 recruited donations
Rose McGowan 4
$1,045.00 recruited donations
JoAnn Diaz 5
$1,000.00 recruited donations
Katherine Kurnick 6
$1,000.00 recruited donations
Emily Baird 7
$800.00 recruited donations
Danette Rivera 8
$700.00 recruited donations
Eric Hsu 9
$600.00 recruited donations
Richard Chang 10
$500.00 recruited donations
800 . 585 . 6231